
Early Childhood


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Toy cars in foreground of children playing on floor of classroom.

A lot of hard work was finally showing progress toward expanding access to high-quality preschool education and addressing the state’s child care crisis. New legislation...

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s 2024 State of the State address on Jan. 24 generated headlines about two topics that have long been priorities for TalentFirst: improving...

NEWS RELEASE: Grand Rapids, MI (October 19, 2023) In response to a two-decade decline in Michigan’s child care workforce, a new report lays the groundwork...

In our efforts to make to make Michigan a leader for talent, we know exactly where to find the group with the greatest potential to...

Extensive research has long established that investing in Early Childhood Education pays long-term dividends in academics and life. This has been the foundation for Talent...

Talent 2025 has always been a forward-looking organization, determined to catalyze a talent system that meets the needs of the region’s employers and supports the...

Reflecting on a year fraught with historic challenges, it can be easy to overlook progress. Talent 2025’s CEO leaders and partners in education and workforce...

Even before the pandemic, child care shortages were keeping people out of the workforce. The challenges facing this essential industry have only grown. So has...

In a March blog post, Quality Child Care is Crucial to the Workforce of Today and Tomorrow, we stated that “a shortage of high-quality, affordable...

A quote often attributed to Frederick Douglass contends that “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”


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